Monday, November 24, 2008

To be like a child

On Saturday I was at my massage therapist waiting for my turn, a mother with her child that was trying to whistle walked in and this little girl had beautiful long strawberry blond hair and was maybe no older than 4 years old. She was adament to put her coat on a hanger herself even though it was too high for her. Her mother help her and then they proceed to the waiting area.

This little girl went to a small chair at a table with colouring books and books to read. She began to colour in the colouring book while she was singing a Christmas song. She was happy, she was joyful, all the adults in the room were mesmerized by this child. A yound lady came in and was watching the child being hersel and my massage therapist came into the room and ask the young ladies if her hormones were ok, the young lady was surprised by this question and the therapist proceeded to tell her by watching you looking at the child, maybe you are yearning for a child.... We all began to laugh and I said, you noticed that she did not ask me whether or not my hormones were working...and the therapist said well you have the grandmother hormone working full blast and i laughed.

This bundle of joy is planned to arrive on February 14, we are looking forward to his/her arrival.

The mother of this little girl is doing a wonderful job with her child. This child was genuinely happy, she projected joy in the room. She had no qualm of being her true self.

Hopefully she will continue to be joyful, truthful. As we grew up some of us have lost this childlike qualities, but we can find it again, by taking time to breath, to be truthful, to be joyful.

I know that I am learning the skill that I lost a long time ago to be joyful. What a way to be!

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