Tuesday, October 28, 2008

To plan a Retirement

To plan a retirement is not only monetary planning but to plan what we would do with our spare time.

This past week my husband and I were discussing the subject of retirement. He asked if I remember when my daughter and I used to tell him that he needed to have a hobby. He surprised me by saying that when he will retire he would like to volunteer his time with "Habitat for Humanity". I had goosebumps when he mentioned that. Volunteering helps you to meet new people and to better learn about ourselves and specially to feel good about ourselves.

My husband's family were not a family that read books, volunteer etc. My daughter and I encouraged him to read by giving him books for Christmas. When my children were very young I would volunteer my time to get me out of the house. The bottom line to make a change is to lead by example.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It Has been a long time....

It has been a long time that I have written on this blog.

I am currently taking a course called "The Joy Diet" based on the book of Martha Beck.

Daily I am learning to take 15 minutes of nothing. 15 minutes of nothing you might say...Do I have time for this? Well It is a beginning process of becoming happy. The book speaks of 10 daily practices for a happier life and doing the 15 minutes of nothing is the first step.

Thoughts come and go throughout these 15 minutes. There are time that taking 15 minute of nothing is too long...sigh...

When these thoughts come I ask question Is that story I tell myself true? I had a aha moment when I tell myself I am not good at this or that and I ask if this is true and can I change the story. This process is very interesting.